Saturday, May 14, 2016

My Resume Is Half of the Story...

Dear Bill:

On the Monday, 03 May 2016, I sent a message to you captioned “My Resume Is Half of the Story...” about which I have received some very negative feedback from people whose opinion I value and trust. My intent was to communicate a significant matter that is not covered in the resume, which is that I have none of the distractions that interfere with the effectiveness of many employees, and that my priorities align with those of prospective employers. Yesterday, my wife, Janet, said it this way in a message to one of our friends.

The things that are important to him are: The computer and doing the job spectacularly, his wife, and Classical Music; in that order. He is  willing and often does work any day any time, and at a moment’s notice for the client. That is his life.

I eagerly anticipate the day when my quest for an employer who appreciates and needs my unique combination of talents comes to a spectacularly successful fulfillment.

Respectfully yours,

David A. Gray
Cell: +1 (817) 298-0867

4014 Double Tree Trail
Irving, TX  75061-3936


Recall: My Resume Is Half of the Story...

David Gray would like to recall the message, "My Resume Is Half of the Story...".

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

My Resume Is Half of the Story...

Dear Bill:

Adobe PDF document David_A_Gray_CV_MostRecent.PDF (attached) is my current resume, which tells part of the story of why any company will be lucky to have me in their employ. The rest of the story, and a great deal of my value, won’t fit on a resume, so it’s in this letter.

I am happily married, and have been for 12 years, I have no children, and Janet’s are grown, married, and have their own houses. Since Janet and I trust each other, and we both have active, fulfilling lives, we almost never call each other while either of us is working, though one of us might send the other a two-word text message, “Sunset Alert!” if we happen to look up and notice a really good one. If I come home late, it’s because I got involved in something and had to stay and finish it, and that’s that. Since her work can run long for similar reasons, we understand that about each other, and there is never a question about whether I have a mistress. I do, and she has Intel inside.

My hand-eye coordination is too slow for me to excel at computer games or sports, so I do neither, nor am I interested in spectator sports, the latest movie, etc. Most of the energy that might otherwise go into computer games, sports, etc. goes into my work, in which I get deeply involved, and music, mostly classical, and always good. I get so involved that I often forget to take breaks or stop for lunch; I’ll get involved in something, and realize that it’s two in the afternoon, and I’m the only one in the office who hasn’t gone to lunch. I don’t fret about missing lunch, though getting lunch at 2:30 PM or later can be challenging. Regardless of when I take my breaks, if I’m in the middle of working a problem, it goes to lunch with me.

I thrive on challenging problems, especially those that some say cannot be solved. I like to work methodically, look at a problem from several viewpoints, and find a future-proof way to solve it. While I take a bit longer to solve a problem than others might, my solution will probably outlast others. Many of my creations remain in use 20 or more years later, under new circumstances, with few or no changes.

To date, the recruiters haven’t come through with anything credible. It’s time to put my story in front of real project managers who have real budgets, a real need for a person with my talent and dedication, and the authority to hire me and pay me appropriately. If that’s you, please give me a call to arrange a meeting. If it isn’t, but you know who is, please implore them to get in touch with me today. I am ready to have some tangible goals in front of me, and new problems that need my attention and energy.

Respectfully yours,

David A. Gray



Cell: +1 (817) 298-0867

4014 Double Tree Trail

Irving, TX  75061-3936